Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day -5/Day -4 ("Welcome to chemo!")

DAY -5

4:00 pm IVIG infusion (2 hours)

6:00 pm Pre-Cytoxan hydration (4 hours)

10:00 pm Cytoxan (1 hour)

10:30 pm Hunter threw up twice ... Our nurse walked in and said, "Welcome to chemo!"

DAY -4

2:30 am Hunter (finally) fell asleep

7:00 am ATG skin test

8:20 am Platelet infusion (1/2 hour)

9:00 am Hunter woke up ... in a good mood!

9:35 am ATG (8 hours)


  1. I'm following the progress and praying all the time. I'm so in awe of Hunter's bravery and sweetness.

  2. Hi,

    My best wishes and prayers for Hunter and your family as he goes through this intense chemo phase of treatment. These are all difficult days, byut this too shall pass.

    I have a 11 year old son with mild WAS who has not received a transplant. He is keeping reasonably well so far.

    With best wishes for a smooth post transplant road ahead of you.


  3. Sara and I are thinking of you guys. It sounds like Hunter has been a trouper. Wishing you good luck with the remainder of treatment.

