Monday, November 30, 2009

Day +67 (Brief ...)

Hunter's movement is much improved over the past few days. However, today we made the decision with Hunter's primary Physical Therapist to continue his twice weekly appointments. He remains under watchful eyes during these ups and downs. We were happy to learn Hunter is almost back to his pretransplant assessment scores. Now we are all going to focus on building his core strength, walking on a line, walking on a balance beam and running, as well as a lot of squatting. We figure these therapy appointments are only going to enhance where Hunter currently is. Thankfully they also help burn some of his surplus energy.

Last Friday's blood tests revealed Hunter's platelets are holding steady at 125,000. We are quite pleased and look forward to tomorrow's blood draw, clinic and nutrition appointments.

1 comment:

  1. Marcher sur une ligne, sauter sur une poutre... C'est quand même plus rigolo que tout ce qu'Hunter a subi jusque là comme traitement !
    Bises de nous 4,
    Sylvie et les garçons
