Thursday, September 10, 2009

Infused ...

Hunter did extremely well at his infusion today. His number of platelets jumped from 11,000 to 270,000, which makes for a much better situation heading into tomorrow's (Friday's) surgery. An impressive feat was Hunter going from 6:00 am to 7:15 pm without a nap. Admittedly, there were some tears and a temper tantrum or two, but overall he kept it together.

Hunter must stop eating by 8:00 am tomorrow. He is allowed only clear liquids until noon. His check in time at Children's Hospital is set for 2:45. We are not sure what to expect other than another long day and a very tired boy.


  1. Hope everything went fine this afternoon and that he will be able to sleep well tonight!!

  2. Finally, good news! It's been a long time coming. I'm sure he will do fine, considering all the love and support he has. We think of all of you every day, and we've added you to our prayer chain at church.
