Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day +5 (Graphic/Everything worked out ...)

The nurse found Hunter having a significant nose bleed at 2:00 this morning. We aren't sure how long he was bleeding before she found him, but it must have been a while from the looks of him and his bedding. Luckily, three other nurses immediately joined in helping our nurse and me. One applied pressure to Hunter's nose, which he didn't exactly appreciate. A second supplied us with wet rags while making sure the used ones were put into the soiled linen hamper. A third manned Hunter's Line and IV pole. The fourth took Hunter's vital statistics, including blood pressure and temperature, during the commotion. Their assistance allowed me to calm him, not an easy task. The Physician's Assistant ordered an immediate platelet infusion. Honestly, the most difficult part was Hunter throwing up all of the blood he swallowed before we found him. He actually went back to sleep about 3:30, after the platelets arrived and we had cleaned him up. They also squirted Afrin up his nose to help with the clotting. Who knew? Unfortunately, his nose started bleeding again around 4:15. It took another team effort and some additional throwing up, but Hunter was back in bed asleep by 5:00. Hunter wanted no part of the second nose bleed, as he was so tired from the Benadryl and Atavant. He told the nurses to "move out of the way" so he could lie down with his pacifier and lamb. He wasn't concerned in the slightest about the additional bleeding. He slept soundly until 11:30, perfect timing since his Physical Therapist arrived at 11:31. He went from snoring to a "fishing expedition" in his room in less than two minutes. He did so well with his therapy that after it was finished he decided to take his Therapist for a walk down the hallway. He did very well all things considered, but he definitely looked like a drunken frat boy trying to make it home from the bar after last call. The doctors are still impressed with how well Hunter is doing. They will continue to monitor his platelet and hemoglobin/hematocrit levels. He will likely have a blood transfusion late tonight or early tomorrow.

P.S. for Day +3 ... I can't believe I failed to mention that Hunter had a dance party in his room with four of the nurses. He's received several musical greeting cards, which he loves to show off. On Sunday he was showing every nurse who came to see him the cards. When the music started to play Hunter would dance. When the music stopped he would "freeze" with his hands on his ears. Well, one thing led to another and he had the nurses dancing and freezing with him. I have to say it was pretty cute because each of the nurses came in when they had a chance and danced with Hunter for a few minutes. And each nurse came back in for one last dance before leaving for the day. Hilarious.


  1. Oh my goodness! Poor Hunter! Sounds like he got through it okay...does he even remember the whole ordeal?

    I miss Hunter's smile! I see he has a beautiful bald head, it is just so perfect:)

    Hunter is such a brave little guy and wow, an amazing attitude to boot. He is going to grow up to accopmlish some really, really great things.

    You all take care - we are praying for Hunter and family.

    Your friends in Alaska.

  2. Hang in there Hunter! You're doing great. My dance card is empty so Luna, Drew and I would all like to reserve a spot to dance/freeze with Hunter soon!
