Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day +2

Hunter definitely has his days and nights confused. He woke up in the middle of the night and did not go back to sleep until 5:00 am. He then slept in until 12:30 and was asleep again by 3:30 for a three and a half hour nap. Hunter threw up once when he woke up this afternoon, but quickly bounced back. Unfortunately, it looks like he is developing mucositis. He was very excited to take a bath today. He had great fun sliding back and forth along the tub while kicking and splashing water everywhere. He made us laugh out loud when he told us he wanted to lie down in the water and take a nap. The doctors are still adjusting his medicines in their attempt to determine the source of his itchiness. He seems a lot better today, but at times still can't keep from scratching. Honestly, other than a couple of disastrous diapers, it's been another good day.


  1. Marin fait aussi des "disastrous diapers" (j'aime bien l'expression), et il n'a pas l'excuse d'être malade !!! Je lui en toucherai deux mots la prochaine fois qu'il refusera d'aller sur les toilettes !!
    Je vous embrasse et vous souhaite bien d'autres good days...
    Sylvie et les garçons.

  2. Glad to hear that things are okay overall and that Hunter is in good spirtis despite all that he is going through. I hope that his mucositis is mild and resolves soon.

    With Best Wishes,


  3. Wow, I've been away for a few weeks and the transplant has been done! So sorry I wasn't around to send some supporting messages during the conditioning phase - but sounds like Hunter did pretty well! He sounds like a real trooper, and I'm sure the nurses adore him! Hope you have been doing ok too! Lets hope the worst is over with and Hunters counts come up really quick, Best to you all, Bee and Max x

  4. I'm glad to hear that it has gone reasonably well so far. Hopefully the itching and mucositis will subside soon and Hunter will be more comfortable from here on out. Everyone at the Market Access Meeting is thinking of you guys and wish you well.
