Monday, August 24, 2009

Days go by ...

We met with our BMT team on Friday. They informed us that Hunter has parainfluenza. It is a common flu strain but could potentially cause problems for him during transplant if he isn't fully recovered. Our immunologist suggested we delay the transplant two weeks. However, the infectious disease team suggested we delay the transplant four weeks. Apparently, they must have met in the middle since we learned today that the Scheduling Coordinator asked our donor's center if she can delay three weeks, until September 25th. We have not heard back from the donor yet, but our fingers are crossed that her schedule will permit her to donate to our boy.

Today was a long day. Hunter received an infusion of IVIG*. We arrived at the SCCA before 8:00 am and didn't leave until after 4:00 pm. Honestly, Hunter does extremely well for a two year old who has to sit still with an IV in his arm for that amount of time. He loves the Child Life Specialist because she spoils him with toys, bubbles and coloring materials. She gave him his own coloring book, box of crayons and Play-Doh set to bring back to our apartment.

Overall, Hunter seems well. He had a blast in the game room once we returned to the Ronald McDonald House. He ran around in circles with a toy vacuum and shopping cart while learning how to play frisbee. He will have another nasal wash and throat culture on Wednesday.

* A blood product administered intravenously that contains immunoglobulins (antibodies extracted from the plasma of over a thousand blood donors).

1 comment:

  1. Wowzers...well you gotta do what you gotta do! Hope he gets over his cold super quick. At least he is happy with his toys. He sounds like a real trooper with wonderful parents!
